my FREE improvisation-tip
Basically there are four minor scales. The harmonic minor scale is easy to be recognized for its eastern sound. In A minor harmonic we have the notes A-B-C-D-E-F-G#-A. If you like to practice how to tell YOUR authentic musical story I have a FREE play along track of my composition “Prayer and Dance of the Serbian Monks” for you. With this track you practice in a rather classical style.
Click here and receive my play along track, sheet music and excercises.
My workshops and bandcoaching programme
Saxophoneschool IJburg
I teach private lessons for all ages and levels. Specialised in improvisation. For more info go to
Impro Circle
Online, step by step, developing YOUR authentical musical story !
Feeling uneasy without sheetmusic ? Want to improve your abilty to hear ? In a structured way learn how to improvise ?
With the online training impro circle method “GIVE” you can improve your improvisation skills on a place and in a time comfortable for you. GIVE means
- G uts
- I magination
- V ocabulary
- E ar training
More info at